Thursday, 21 October 2010

Vision 2010

Last night my daughter and I had the pleasure of attending the local Girl Guiding Vision 2010 event. This is the finale of the Girl Guides centenary celebrations. It was a very cold evening, the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Young Leaders all gathered around a beautifully lit campfire and sang the usual campfire songs before all renewing their promise at 20:10 on 20/10 2010! It was a lovely occasion which I hope the girls will remember in years to come just as I remember celebrating 75 years of guiding when I was a Girl Guide. All those who took part in the event were given a  "party bag" which contained a commemorative pencil and a very special promise badge! Well done Girl Guides.

Friday, 15 October 2010

To my dear children ...

“If we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us” 1 John 5v14

I have a Saviour, He’s pleading in glory,
A dear, loving Saviour though earth friends be few;
And now He is watching in tenderness o’er me:
And oh, that my Saviour were your Saviour too!

I have a Father: to me He has given
A hope for eternity, blessèd and true:
And soon He will call me to meet Him in heaven,
But, oh, may He lead you to go with me too!

I have a robe: ‘tis resplendent in whiteness,
Awaiting in glory my wondering view:
Oh, when I receive it all shining in brightness,
Dear friend, could I see you receiving one too!

I have a peace: it is calm as a river,
A peace that the friends of this world never knew:
My Saviour alone is its Author and Giver,
And oh, could I know it was given to you!

When Jesus has found you, tell others the story,
That my loving Saviour is your Saviour too:
Then pray that your Saviour may bring them to glory,
And prayer will be answered, ‘twas answered for you!

For you I am praying, for you I am praying,
For you I am praying, I’m praying for you.

                                                            Samuel O’Malley Clough