How blest are they whose trespass
has freely been forgiven,
whose sins are wholly covered
before the sight of heaven.
So let the godly seek thee
in times when thou art near;
no whelming floods shall reach them
or cause their hearts to fear.
"I graciously will teach thee
the way that thou shalt go,
and, with my eye upon thee,
My counsel make thee know.
“but do not be unruly
or slow to understand;
be not perverse, but willing
to heed My wise command."
Then in the LORD be joyful,
in song lift up your voice;
be glad in God, ye ransomed:
rejoice, give thanks, rejoice!
has freely been forgiven,
whose sins are wholly covered
before the sight of heaven.
So let the godly seek thee
in times when thou art near;
no whelming floods shall reach them
or cause their hearts to fear.
"I graciously will teach thee
the way that thou shalt go,
and, with my eye upon thee,
My counsel make thee know.
“but do not be unruly
or slow to understand;
be not perverse, but willing
to heed My wise command."
Then in the LORD be joyful,
in song lift up your voice;
be glad in God, ye ransomed:
rejoice, give thanks, rejoice!
The Psalter,1912
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