What a sermon and what a challenging message we heard last night. I love to hear a preahcer preach with passion and conviction and we got that in good measure last night. We were told in no uncertain terms that there is no problem with the harvest - the fields are ripe and ready to be harvested - the problem is with the labourers. I am praying that I will be a much more effective labourer in the harvest, I have learnt so much in the last week from a Godly couple - praise the Lord that there are young men and women all around the world who want to serve God and work in His harvest fields.
Lord of the Reapers hear our lowly pleading
Thine are the fields that stand all harvest-white,
Thine is the love that human souls are needing,
Ere falls the dusk that deepens into night.
Oft have we prayerd with longing and beseeching,
Fruit for our toil and glory for Thy Cross,
Yet slow the reaping, slow the task of reaching,
Far distant souls whose distance is their loss.
Oft have we asked for some rewarding token,
Only to know our toil was not in vain,
And for a patient love to lead the broken,
Lives of the lost to an eternal gain.
Soon o'er our harvest field the twilight stealeth
Low on its margin stands the solumn sun,
Rising to Thee the reaper's prayer appealeth,
Grant us full sheaves before the day is done.
So when Thy Morning floods the land with glory,
God will it be to meet and see Thee then!
Learn all the triumphs of Thy love's sweet glory,
Lord of the reapers! Hope of sinful men!
So what has the kingdom of God gained becasue of you? ... go labour on, spend and be spent ...
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